Hakuna Matata Vibes is an eco-conscious social impact gift shop based out of the San Francisco Bay Area.
We create and sell wildlife-themed products and services to raise awareness about wildlife trafficking and environmental justice.
We specialize in hemp greeting cards, prints, postcards, informational activity books, and customizable business services. We are launching in-person workshops, as well as an upcycled fashion line in October 2024.
Sign up for our "Collage Greeting Card" Workshop on October 20, 2024 3-5pm in Pacifica at www.artspaceonthecoast.com :)
Why we're Green
When Hakuna Matata Vibes was established, we were already on track to meet the requirements to become Certified as a Green Business. All of our packaging is 100% recyclable. Our greeting cards, business cards, activity books, and prints are all made from 75% post-consumer pulp and 25% hemp. Our stickers featuring logos and wildlife are made from sugarcane. The covers for our greeting cards and prints are made from PLA (polylactic acid), derived from renewable sources like corn starch, sugar cane, and sugar beet. However, we recently learned that there might not be enough of a positive impact on the environment as we thought, so, we are researching cleaner supplies. We are working towards zero waste and a circular economy. We aim to develop plant-based inks and pursue B Corporation certification when it becomes strategically viable.